Tuesday, March 11, 2014

BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA - Media Law and International Standards on Access Information

Media Law

7 - 14 August 2014, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovinada
Sarajevo Summer Law school 2014 is the first one. But, have no doubt, it will be a good one. With special attention to our current IFP and big buzz over protection of privacy online, we prepared a topic we are all burning to know more about „Media law and international standards on information access“. Guaranteed good academic program with experts on media law is, still, not the only reason why you should be visiting us. 

Picture source: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/bosnia-and-hercegovina/sarajevo
Sarajevo, heart of the heart-shaped country is, based on many relevant researches, the hidden jewel of Europe. It’s the borderline between East and West, it’s the crossroad where communism, ottoman empire and Austro-Hungarian empire meet to have some kahva (coffee), Sacher cake and a nice warm conversation. But, don’t be mistaken, we are still very modern. As you will, hopefully, see for yourself.
Application deadline 1 June 2014
To apply fill in the application form and send it to sarajevosls@gmail.com

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