12-23 July 2014
Application deadline 7 May 2014
The University of Graz (Austria) together with the Shota Rustaveli University Batumi (Georgia) is organizing the second annual Summer School on EU Law in the South Caucasus (EULISC). This summer school will host 25 students from all countries of the wider Caucasus region as well as from Europe and will offer a platform to discuss and elaborate on current topics in the field of EU law with legal and political relevance for the states of the South Caucasus. Academic experts from both Europe and the Caucasus will combine to teach EU law with the specific environment of the region in mind. The EU strives to define an overall strategy that combines the support for democracy in the countries of the region and a peaceful resolution to its protracted conflicts. Hence, a specific emphasis will be placed on the legal instruments of the EU at work in its Eastern Neighbourhood policy. In this way, this summer school will deal with those contemporary legal challenges which are both actual and relevant to the EU-South Caucasus context. The summer school is targeted towards young students of the South Caucasus and Europe as future practitioners and decision-makers dealing with the region.
About the programme

The teaching will provide concise, yet fundamental knowledge of the history and the legal aspects of European integration. In addition, a special focus will be given to the development of the EU as an international actor, specific external policies and the EU’s relations with strategic partners and international organizations on the global and regional level, especially the countries of the Southern Caucasus. The following lectures will therefore be held:
- Introduction to European Integration
- Foundations of EU Law
- External Relations of the EU, with special focus on the South Caucasus
- Security and Legal Aspects of Security in the South Caucasus
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