World Youth - Aspire aims at becoming the resource center for the leaders of tomorrow. This blog provides ambitious students with information about opportunities and events taking place around the world at the moment. Good Luck!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
ITALY - EAEPE Summer School 2014
The 8th EAEPE Summer School 2014 will be held at University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, from 30 June to 4 July.
Application deadline 1 May 2014
Picture source:
Local organisers: Pasquale Tridico and Sebastiano Fadda
The EAEPE Summer School is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in particular in the field of institutional and evolutionary analysis, with a special focus this year on inequality. Participants will address this important topic from different perspectives, including: gender inequalities, income inequalities, regional inequalities, power inequalities, technological inequalities, racial inequalities, and so on.
In the spirit of pluralism characteristic of the EAEPE, many Research Areas are relevant: human development, environmental economics, methodology of economics, institutional history, comparative economics, transition economics, institutional change, innovation and technology, and labour economics. More generally, contributions from all fields using institutional, multidisciplinary approaches are welcome.
Lectures by internationally-renowned scholars will be given in the morning, while afternoons will be devoted to presentations by advanced PhD students and early-career researchers, who will thus benefit from comments and suggestions from experts in the field.
This year's Summer School Professors include (provisional):
Marcella Corsi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Charles Dannreuther (Leeds University, UK)
Sebastiano Fadda (University of Rome Tre, Italy)
Giuseppe Fontana (Leeds University, UK)
James K. Galbraith (University of Texas at Austin, USA), TBC
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)
Gabriel Palma (University of Cambridge, UK)
Cristiano Perugini (University of Perugia, Italy)
Mario Pianta (University of Urbino, Italy)
Erik S. Reinert (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Pasquale Tridico (University of Rome Tre, Italy)
Ulrich Witt (Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany)
More info here:
ITALY - International Summer School on Regulation of Local Public Services
Turin, Italy
8th-19th sept. 2014
Application deadline 6 June 2014

Image source:
8th-19th sept. 2014
Application deadline 6 June 2014
Image source:
OverviewThe School is designed to offer two weeks “full immersion” in user charges regulation of local public services (e.g. waste, water, public transport, district heating, sport facilities) and is addressed to undergraduate students at their last year, graduate students and officials from the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies.
The course lasts two weeks and is articulated in three parts:
- theoretical module
- industry analysis
- case studies (with a virtual regulatory final report prepared by attendants)
The course lasts two weeks and is articulated in three parts:
- theoretical module
- industry analysis
- case studies (with a virtual regulatory final report prepared by attendants)
Friday, April 25, 2014
GEORGIA - Summer School on EU Law in the South Caucasus (EULISC)
12-23 July 2014
Application deadline 7 May 2014
The University of Graz (Austria) together with the Shota Rustaveli University Batumi (Georgia) is organizing the second annual Summer School on EU Law in the South Caucasus (EULISC). This summer school will host 25 students from all countries of the wider Caucasus region as well as from Europe and will offer a platform to discuss and elaborate on current topics in the field of EU law with legal and political relevance for the states of the South Caucasus. Academic experts from both Europe and the Caucasus will combine to teach EU law with the specific environment of the region in mind. The EU strives to define an overall strategy that combines the support for democracy in the countries of the region and a peaceful resolution to its protracted conflicts. Hence, a specific emphasis will be placed on the legal instruments of the EU at work in its Eastern Neighbourhood policy. In this way, this summer school will deal with those contemporary legal challenges which are both actual and relevant to the EU-South Caucasus context. The summer school is targeted towards young students of the South Caucasus and Europe as future practitioners and decision-makers dealing with the region.
About the programme

The teaching will provide concise, yet fundamental knowledge of the history and the legal aspects of European integration. In addition, a special focus will be given to the development of the EU as an international actor, specific external policies and the EU’s relations with strategic partners and international organizations on the global and regional level, especially the countries of the Southern Caucasus. The following lectures will therefore be held:
- Introduction to European Integration
- Foundations of EU Law
- External Relations of the EU, with special focus on the South Caucasus
- Security and Legal Aspects of Security in the South Caucasus
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
JAPAN - World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
10-12 November 2014, Japan
Application deadline 1 June
Are you between 18 and 35 years old? Are you involved in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)? Do you have success stories and innovative ESD initiatives you could share? Would you like to meet and collaborate with other ESD youth leaders from around the world? Do you want to add your voice to youth-focused recommendations that will be presented at the World Conference on ESD?
The 2014 World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) represents a turning point for ESD.
To achieve sustainable development, political regulations and financial incentives are not enough. A fundamental change is necessary in the way people think and act. The international community has long recognized that education is crucial for bringing about this change.
ESD allows learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future. ESD means including key sustainable development issues such as climate change and poverty reduction in teaching and learning. It also requires participatory teaching and learning methods that empower learners to take action for sustainable development.
The 2014 World Conference pursues the following four objectives:
1. Celebrating a decade of action
2. Reorienting education to build a better future for all
3. Accelerating action for sustainable development
4. Setting the agenda for ESD beyond 2014
Some 1000 participants from all around the world are expected to attend. Participants will include representatives of UNESCO Member States, Non-governmental Organisations, academia, the private sector, individual experts, youth and UN agencies. UNESCO will invite Member States to nominate participants.
The 2014 ESD World Conference will take place at the Nagoya Congress Centre in the city of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
More info here:
Saturday, April 19, 2014
For all of you who celebrate Easter this weekend, I wish you all a very Happy Easter and may it bring peace and love to you and to your families!
For all of you who do not celebrate it, I wish you all a superb weekend, peace and love wherever you are!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
COMMONWEALTH Essay Competition 2014
Application deadline 1 May 2014
For 131 years, the Commonwealth Essay Competition has inspired thousands of young writers from all over the world. Run by the RCS, this international schools’ writing contest – the world’s oldest and largest – is a highly regarded and popular international education project. In 2013, over 11 000 young people from 55 Commonwealth countries and territories took part.

Open to all Commonwealth citizens aged 18 and under, the Essay Competition offers young people the opportunity to make their voice heard on a global platform and engage with issues important to them. Every year, judges are impressed with the extremely high standard of entry as participants compete with their peers from every corner of Commonwealth.
For many bright and ambitious students, this is the ultimate competition!
Now run in partnership with Cambridge University Press, the competition remains an important means of expression for young people across the Commonwealth.
More info here:
The Intercultural Innovation Award 2014
Application deadline 30 April 2014
The Intercultural Innovation Award is a partnership between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group that aims to select and support the most innovative grassroots projects that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around the world.
Not-for-profit organizations that are active in promoting intercultural understanding, with a track record of managing intercultural projects and willingness to expand their range of action, are elegible to apply. These organizations should be working in the fields of:
-migration and integration;
-intercultural awareness;
-education for intercultural citizenship;
-and/or the role of specific groups (faith-based; women; youth; media)
The Intercultural Innovation Award is bestowed upon ten organizations every year. Winners will become members of the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI) and the awardees get one-year support and consulting from the UNAOC and the BMW Group.
The WIFI, a program initiated by the UNAOC in cooperation with the BMW Group, helps winners to become more efficient and to expand. WIFI also enables successful projects to be replicated in other contexts or settings where they might be relevant. The specific support received will depend on the individual needs of the projects.
A detailed needs assessment will be conducted in conjunction with each of the winners. The UNAOC and the BMW Group and a Mentoring Group will then mobilize resources to help those projects achieve their goals. After one year, a comprehensive evaluation will be performed in order to assess the impact of the Award on the winners.
More info here:
MALAYSIA - ASEAN Youth Heritage Leaders Programme 2014
11 August - 15 September 2014
Application deadline 9 May 2014
Application deadline 9 May 2014
Eligibility: Nationals of ASEAN countries, aged 18-30, fluent in the English language and have good leadership experiences
To promote awareness among youth of the importance of the ASEAN charter, the creation of an ASEAN identity and a better understanding of the value of interdependence of cultures across ASEAN
To develop knowledge about the rich history of cultural sites across ASEAN
To develop ASEAN youth heritage leaders who will replicate the cultural heritage conservation programmes with schools, universities and communities in their respective countries.
To create a new synergy among educators, heritage experts, environmental specialists, govt. and other stakeholders in the promotion of ASEAN cultural heritage conservation.
1st Week at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Gaining knowledge & awareness of ASEAN history, culture and identity
Orientation to leadership qualities, volunteerism, community engagement & multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Understanding heritage promotion, conservation and preservation in the context of ASEAN.
2nd – 4th Week at Heritage Sites (UNESCO World Heritage Site, Melaka and Capital City, Kuala Lumpur)
The volunteers in groups of 25 will spend three weeks at Melaka and Kuala Lumpur engaging in community-driven conservation initiatives.
They will be conducting training and awareness workshops for local youth and community in Heritage preservation.
Volunteers will engage with the local schools and communities around sites to work collaboratively to ensure conservation and preservation efforts are sustainable and impactful.
Last Week at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
This is a week of sharing of knowledge and critically reflecting on their experiences gained at the various biodiversity sites.
The volunteers will work on reports, consolidate the writing of their reflective journals, and develop plans for the replication of similar projects in their home countries.
More info here:
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
9-23 August 2014
Application deadline 30 April 2014
The BRIDGE Program is a professional development program designed for emerging young professionals in journalism. The goal of the BRIDGE program is to advance knowledge and access to reporting tools and networks of journalism students during a two week summer program, taking place in two geographical locations – Czech Republic and Turkey. Leading academics and scholars of journalism and media from the US, the Czech Republic and Turkey are developing the curriculum which will consist of three main components: academic coursework; new skills development; intercultural learning.
The summer program features academic coursework, mentorship of students’ research, workshops with experts on digital media, roundtables with journalists and policymakers, visits of local media and news agencies in Prague and Istanbul. The program’s mission is to promote greater understanding and create networks among students of journalism and media by learning about and discussing recent developments in Europe, the US and the MENA region.
The successful candidates will receive full scholarship covering: travel cost, room and board and study materials related expenses. The summer program will take place in Prague and in Istanbul.
Eligibility Criteria - The candidates must satisfy the following requirements:
Must have successfully completed minimum of two academic semesters
Overall excellent academic standing
Excellent oral and written English language skills (equivalent to TOEFL score of 550)
Citizenship of one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Kosovo, Morocco, Romania, Slovakia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine or the USA
Passport valid until September 2015 and ability to travel to the Czech Republic and Turkey
More info here:
Monday, April 14, 2014
MOZAMBIQUE - Youth Photo Contest 2014
The 2014 IMF Africa Rising Youth Photo Contest - Building to the Future
Application deadline 25 April 2014
We are seeking pictures from young Sub-Saharan African photographers of
all abilities, ages 18 – 30, capturing through their own lenses the
opportunities and challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa. All contestants—whether
they use cameras or cell phones—are asked to submit original images that best
define one of the following three themes.
African Economic Development
African Innovations
African Challenges
Snapshot category (low-resolution images)
Photographer Category (high-resolution images)
Two Winners will receive 3 days all expense paid trip to Maputo,
Mozambique. Opportunity to attend the #AfricaRising Conference and act as IMF
youth photographer.
This competition is open to youth aged between 18 and 30, who are citizens of a Sub-Saharan African country.
More Info:
Friday, April 11, 2014
GERMANY - Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Application deadline 30 June 2014
Award ceremony to present the Grand Prize winners and the People’s Choice winners will be held during the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin in October 2014

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is an exciting new opportunity to develop your innovative ideas and projects to create positive change in your community and the world. With support and feedback from peers around the world, you can turn your passion for a better world into reality.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is an international contest launched by The Goi Peace Foundation, Stiftung Entrepreneurship (Berlin) and UNESCO. The competition provides a global platform for young entrepreneurs who aspire to create positive change in their communities.
By highlighting the best examples of youth entrepreneurship, the competition aims to empower the young generation to take the initiative in social innovation and become pioneers in building a harmonious and sustainable society. With their innovative ideas and leadership, these global citizens will tackle some of the key challenges of today and offer a model of the entrepreneurial potential that will fuel our future.
All participants will receive free training at the online Entrepreneurship Campus. This training provides methods and techniques for developing ideas into solid business models, to turn a budding idea into a fully developed concept, or to improve on an existing business model.
All you need is an innovative idea for an enterprise which contributes to the sustainable development of your community, in a field such as:
- the environment
- education
- health
- poverty reduction
- peace building
- cultural diversity
- sustainable energy
- food security
- sustainable trade
- the elderly
- empowerment of women and youth
OR, an enterprise in the form of a business, a non-profit organization, or an informal program. - SIMUN 2014
22-26 September, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Application deadlines:
For Presiding Officers: 7-27 April
For Delegates & Journalists: 5 May - 1 June
Application deadlines:
For Presiding Officers: 7-27 April
For Delegates & Journalists: 5 May - 1 June
The Slovenia International Model of United Nations (SiMUN) is an annual simulation of the committees of the United Nations (UN).
In 2014, the delegates taking part at the SiMUN conference can choose one state and apply to represent it in one of the following committees:
- Human Rights Council,
- Economic and Social Council or
- Security Council.
Furthermore, since last years' conference a team of journalists became an essential part of SiMUN. They spend their time at the conference writing for SiMUN TIMES – a printed edition of SiMUN daily news. This year you can apply for editing the paper or writing for one of the committees. SiMUN 2014 will thus need one editor, 3 journalists and one photo reporter to cover all events taking place in the week of 22nd to 26th of September.
SiMUN is a great opportunity to experience decision-making and working processes of this unique global organization. The simulation will enable the participants to obtain a multilateral view on world affairs, enhance their conflict resolution capabilities and develop their communication skills through role-play. Education is the most important aim of SiMUN, but one simply cannot forget that people learn the most through informal education, team-building and workshops. We will do our best to present the Slovenian culture and tradition, from interesting history to indulging culinary and last but not least, the unique hospitality of Slovene people.
SPAIN - International Summer School (various courses)
4-22 August 2014
Students are encouraged to apply early in order to secure a place in the desired course and to benefit from the early-bird prices.
The University of A Coruña's International Summer School offers a selection of three-week intensive courses taught by international faculty from 4 to 22 August 2014, which are open to Spanish and foreign undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates.
Courses are taught in English, have an academic value of 6 ECTS credits, and can be recognised as equivalent to optional courses of specific accredited undergraduate and graduate degrees of the University of A Coruña.
Faculty come from different universities and are renowned experts in their fields. They are active in academic research, consultancy or government.
Courses are an opportunity for local and foreign students and faculty to engage in an international experience and benefit from their mutual interaction in one of the best venues for a summer course in Europe.
ITALY - Gorizia Youth Model NATO 2014
Application deadline 15 April 2014
12-16 May 2014
12-16 May 2014
GYM-NATO is an international student simulation of NATO’s decision making process that will be held in Gorizia (Italy) at the prestigious Conference Centre of the Degree Course in International and Diplomatic Sciences of the University of Trieste, Gorizia Branch. It provides a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to foster their awareness of NATO’s role, activities and organization as well as at increasing the understanding of the capabilities and the restrictions that shape the decisions of NATO Member States in matter of collective defense.
The Mediterranean region has been the background of deep transformations rising new challenges that overlap with old conflicts and crisis. Gorizia, the historical crossroads between Europe and the Mediterranean, is the natural rendezvous of the main European cultures: Latin, Germanic and Slavic. After having experienced times of trouble as a frontier land during the second half of the twentieth century, with Europe being united and the Schengen Agreement enforced, the city has rediscovered its international and cooperating nature.
Since the main theme of the simulation will be NATO’s role in the new Mediterranean geopolitical asset, we would like to aware our delegates of NATO’s activities with the partners in the broader region, especially the Mediterranean dialogue countries that will be included in the simulation, as well as the main challenges to the euro-atlantic integration and to the post- conflict peace building operations.
More than 100 students and young professionals will gather in Gorizia, from NATO Members and Partners Countries, to simulate intra-NATO diplomacy and to debate about these relevant issues, trying to think out of the box in order to produce some valiant policy recommendations.
Furthermore, at the beginning of the simulation, members of the Italian Foreign Service, NATO civil and military officials will train our delegates through specific briefings and workshops.
Fee is EUR 150.00 which gives access to accommodation, meals, opening and closing gala, refreshing during working sessions, exclusive itinerary through the Cold War emblematic sites, Best Delegate awards for each committee, attendance certificate, welcome pack, entrance to all social events and transportation during all the events.
NOTE: Participation fee does NOT cover: travel expenses, additional bank transfers fees
We ensure you a memorable experience, characterized not only by numerous conferences and debates, but also enchanted by the magic surrounding our beautiful region Friuli – Venezia Giulia, and its breathtaking cities.
More info here:
Thursday, April 10, 2014
INDONESIA - International Multifaith Youth Assembly
"Blaze of Peace from ASEAN to the World”
Jakarta, Indonesia, June16th –19th 2014
Application deadline 12 April 2014
The Global Peace Festival (GPF) Indonesia brings together NGOs,
organizations, institutions and individuals that share a common vision for
national unity and social integration, and who wish to jointly collaborate with
the Indonesian Government and the United Nations in achieving the Millenium
Development goals.
The festival is a platform from which they can share their ideas and
endeavors, and create the opportunity to celebrate their achievements, develop
partnerships and launch new initiatives together.
Global Peace Festival Indonesian Foundation (GPFIF) and President
University would like to invite you to participate to International Multifaith
Youth Assembly 2014. The main theme of this event is “Blaze of Peace from ASEAN to the World”.
The fee for International
participants is 150 USD and you will also be responsible for your travel.
For more details about the programme follow this link:
AUSTRIA - Vienna Law School on Dispute Resolution 2014
Application deadline 24 April 2014
17-24 August 2014, Vienna, Austria
Under the Patronage of Prof. Paul Oberhammer, a leading expert in the field of litigation and arbitration, and in cooperation with renowned Austrian law firms, as Wolf Theiss, Graf Pitkowitz, Willheim Müller and others, the ELSA Vienna Law School Team is determined to offer you an insight into the world of dispute resolution through an academic program held by leading experts in Austria. In addition, ELSA Vienna will organize a correspondent social program through which the participants will get to know the city and each other.
In a nutshell, the participants will start the day with lectures and workshops held by leading experts and spent the rest of the day visiting world-famous Viennese attractions and enjoying the great nightlife of Vienna.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
UK & USA - Merit Next
Application deadline 15 April 2014
Global Action Plan
will collaborate in teams to produce a global action plan focusing on Gender
Unity or Environmental Sustainability.
begin with World Merit Day our 24 hour inspiring festival that brings together
music from some amazing headline acts, inspirational TEDx talks and some great
start-up workshops!
Cracking Codes
will take part in a 24 Hour hackathon, working with coders, creatives and
entrepreneurs from across the UK in a bid to produce an app that promotes
social good.
Never Walk Alone
building will take place at one of the UK's most successful football clubs. You
will learn about the power of teamwork and meet with your teammates for the
Global Action Plans.
Home in the house
will arrive in the Great Hall at the UK Parliament to participate in the
Parliamentary debates. We will prepare you the day before with the assigned
issues for the debate.
Developing Business
will visit KPMG - one of the largest integrated accounting firms in Europe. You
will learn how the global economy can affect the development of your business
Mind the Gap!
will work closely with your Global Action Plan team and visit NGO's who work in
the appropriate field. They will give you a great insight into work already
You will collaborate across borders with
your team and mentor
Our expert online mentors will work with you to develop your life
purpose and plan. You will work with your team to develop a global action plan
on either Gender Equality or Environmental Sustainability. We will help you to
secure a great two week internship in your home country. This will give you the
chance to demonstrate what you have learned in a professional working
Rise in Manhattan
Merit Nexters reconvene in New York where the Rise Beyond team, mentors,
thought leaders and of course the wider World Merit community will be on hand
to help complete Global Action Plans.
For the second year in a row we claim the WMD acronym back from its
sinister past. World Merit Day is the day our community shows its drive,
talent, and entrepreneurial energy. The 2015 epicentre is New York City!
On Colombus
Some of the world’s greatest media resides in Manhattan, and we will be
spending time very near Columbus Circle, named after another adventurer of
note. Nexters will feel at home.
Not all Merit Nexters are aspiring or active entrepreneurs, but all are
brimming with entrepreneurial spirit. Still, in Washington DC some with
business ideas will have the opportunity to meet and pitch to VC's (Venture
Capitalists) of note.
Merit Meridian
We will arrive in Washington DC and spend time polishing the Global
Action Plans at the Meridian International Center. Leaders like Ambassador
Stuart Holliday will be present to support the team.
White Paper
The finale of Merit Next, the meeting with Senior White House officials
to hand over Global Action Plans, and tell stories of progress, innovation, and
upcoming change.
We cover the cost of your return flight from your home country to the UK
and to the USA, accommodation and food for the duration of the leadership
course that you spend away from your home country.
More info here:
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